Vampire Diaries, FSK of the individual episodes?


The "Vampire Diaries" series is released on Netflix from 16. But I know that individual episodes are already from 12. Does anyone know the consequences of season 1 or where you can read about it?

The slightly more prutal scenes are simply cut out on the television, so that all episodes are from 12. But I would like to watch it on Netflix and since I'm only 13 I would like to know what episodes are from 12 and 16.

I don't need any answers like "you're still too young for this" or "just don't watch it".


Just look at it. Many young people do not follow the FSK recommendation anyway. Therefore… It makes no sense to only watch isolated sequences. You should see all of it, if you do. It's really exciting. Or control your parents?


Use the search field at the top right. And then scroll a lot. You can of course find the oldest episodes on the last page.


No, they don't control, they also allow it. I also had no intention of just watching individual episodes, I had expressed myself indistinctly. I only care.