Any good movies on Netflix? - 2

- in Free

The best movies with comedy in them but without this background just laugh something funny. Since my grandfather died a few days ago, I just want to distract myself but find nothing useful on Netflix you can also write Amazon prime recommendations but then please of films that are included there for free.


First of all, my condolences. I can recommend Grownups 2 if you want something silly. You don't have to have seen the first one, neither did I, it shouldn't be good. Furthermore, all three parts of Back to the Future are highly recommended. If you want a funny show, check out How i met your mother, best show.

I also have an extra tip that will cheer you up. I've written my first song in the last few days and it's very happy. I would be very happy if you listen to it completely and give me feedback either here or in the youtube comments. Please don't expect too much, it's my first song.

Here is the link: https: //


Could you write me the name privately, you don't want to go left and you haven't linked the song properly either


Yes, wait a minute


So the song is called spring is in the air and the channel Tim 4Guitar. Happy to subscribe.


I just tried to see if you can find it there, but the best thing to do is just enter my channel name, so Tim 4guitar otherwise there will be something else. The thumbnail is sheep


And how do you like it


Nice melody but I was hoping for someone who sings


Naa I dare not.


Pixels is cool.

And my condolences Somehow many are dying at the moment