For which pages do you need strong passwords?

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I would be interested in which websites you need strong passwords.

It is clear to me that banking, email, social media accounts and cloud services are part of that.

But what about sites like Airbnb, Booking, Deutsche Bahn, Netflix, Steam, Bwin, etc?

I assume that criminals are more interested in withdrawing money from me than booking a luxury vacation for me.

Even if payment details are stored at Airbnb or Booking, you would need, for example. Still the 3-digit CVC of the credit card. In addition, there's the low probability that someone will bother you or you will notice it quickly anyway and have it canceled free of charge or how do you see that?

Even with Netflix, one can watch for free or delete my list, but nothing more.

How do you feel about the above-mentioned services, do they have to be secured particularly strongly or is a simple password (e.g. Briefpost65 or similar) sufficient that you can then use for several of these services?


Better safe than sorry


Of course all websites.
You still have important data on Airbnb and co. Name, phone number, address and any personal items…

If an attacker finds that out, social engineering is no longer a problem. It's not just about credit card data…


With the luxury of a password manager, it doesn't matter. Then you can set up a complex password of 64 characters for the last Booger login.


I understand that, ideal for at home. But what do you do when you're with friends and want to log into your Netflix account? Or do you want to log into a service on another PC?


You can also take a password manager with you. The encrypted password database fits perfectly on a USB stick


Would you like others to buy tickets, book hotels, etc. On your account? Rather not.

I assume that criminals are more interested in withdrawing money from me than booking a luxury vacation for me.

How do you come to the assumption? If your account is to be the main target of attackers, then you don't need a strong password for your Facebook account.

Even if payment details are stored on Airbnb or Booking, you would need, for example. Still the 3-digit CVC of the credit card. In addition, there's the low probability that someone will bother you or you will notice it quickly and have it canceled free of charge or how do you see it?

Basically different. Every account must be protected as best as possible. For this, as little data as possible must be stored.

that you can then use it for several of these services?

Reusing passwords is one of the biggest mistakes you can make.

I can't understand the differentiation between "important service" and "unimportant service". I have strong passwords everywhere that I manage in a password manager.


Then you can definitely take the database with you on your mobile phone, that would be really useful. One more question. Do passwords have to be very different from each other? For example, if I have a strong password (password set with 25 characters, upper case, lower case, special characters), can I change a certain number of characters, e.g. 5 characters, within this password and use it for another access without this having a major impact on security?