Bad Wi-Fi reception UnityMedia router> Samsung TV?


Samsung Smart TV, which was operated as the main device via O2 Wi-Fi and satellite reception in the old apartment, is operated in the new apartment as a second device via UnityMedia Wi-Fi and cable reception, but has massive connection problems with Amazon Prime Video and Netflix.

If you completely disconnect the Wi-Fi router from the power supply before streaming and restart it, the streaming will work, but if you just want to switch it on and get started, it won't work.

Could it be because of the massive partition between the two rooms? Could a repeater help?

Now try the connection via the BluRay player, because this way it seems to work (so only the TV would have a problem).

Does anyone know?


I don't know whether a repeater would help; according to your description it is likely. I have the Fritz Box Repeater 310, which I can recommend and which is sufficient. If you order it over the Internet, you have two weeks right of return. So no risk.