Read 3 manga at the same time?

- in Anime

I recently watched the anime Death Note and am now starting to read the manga. However, I would also like to start now with Naruto and Tokyo Ghoul, because I'm afraid that Netflix will take down the anime sometime soon. But is it stupid to read / watch 3 anime / manga at the same time? Does that sometimes make you read that more at once?


Currently have 11 anime, I look in the simulcast and 15 manga, I read (depending on your mood) and have no problem with it


In anime I look at them by the inch, manga I can easily read confused.


Is quite normal to read several


I'm currently watching 16 anime series and reading 35 manga series at the same time. For the manga series, however, I'm primarily waiting for the new volumes to appear. In addition there are a few Light Novel and Roman series.


Generally it is stupid, if you see anime or read manga, the crowd does not matter.