In Dubbed Anime Pieces of Original Japanese Voices Why?

- in Anime

As mentioned above, why is the Japanese original voices used bit by bit in streaming services (Netflix, Crunchyroll and Co. Excluded) in syncronized animes. "The enemy was defeated" but in the original it would say "The enemy was killed". It is striking in the middle of the anime "Naruto Shippuden" for what reason is that so


I do not know what you mean. Like when they sing or how?


In German, the text is often translated as "child-friendly". Unfortunately with Naruto this is very extreme with the censorship.


It's interesting how people who probably can't speak Japanese at all are able to rate my translation work in this area again and again.

In order to be able to judge your examples, one must first see the original. What is being said there? It is very likely that wird す is used as a verb there, because it fits in with situations like this.

The verb has the following context:

1 力 を 加 え て 、 立 っ て い る 状態 の も の を 横 に す る る。 横 に ね か か す。 ま た 、 こ ろ ば ・ ・ 「木 を - ・ す」 「」 「ら す を - - -

2 (「殪 す」 「斃 す」 「仆 す」 と も 書 く) 殺 す。 「銃 で - ・ す」 「一刀 の も と に - ・ す」

3 勝負 で 相 手 を 打 ち 負 か す。 打 ち 破 る。 「「 候補 候補 の チ ー ム を - ・ す 」

4 政体 ・ 国家 な ど を 存 続 で き な く す る。 く つ が え す す。 滅 ぼ す。 転 覆 す る。 「内閣 を - ・ す」 「幕府 を - ・ す」

5 借 り た 金 を 返 さ ず 、 相 手 に 損害 を 与 え る。 ふ み た お す す。 「飲食 代 を - ・ す」

6 動詞 の 連用 形 に 付 い て 、 徹底 的 に… す る の 意 を 表 す。 「使 い - ・ す」 「遊 び - ・ す」


In situations like in your anime, meanings in areas 1 to 3 are conceivable (1. Knocking over a standing body with force; 2. Killing someone; 3. Defeating someone in a (competition)). A translation towards "defeat" fits both the context shown in the anime and the meanings offered by the verb. So nothing has been translated wrongly.

Quite apart from that, literature can't be translated incorrectly at all. Literary translations are creative works by translators as authors. You can be as creative as you want. In the best case, you stick to the original (as e.g. Probably happened in your example). In the most extreme case, you change names and things that would be culturally difficult to understand, etc. The latter is hardly up-to-date in the anime sector because the target group wants texts as close to the original as possible, as we now know that this is Japanese culture.


Yes. Naruto is awesome there…

Would definitely watch it in Japanese with Ut


One thing that really annoys me about translations myself. That in the original Japanese the cash on delivery is said and even with the subtitle the first name is still used that still bothers me 😤


This is a sensible and necessary adaptation for any non-scientific or analytical translation that shows that the translator understands his or her work.

In most cases, it would actually be wrong (!) To leave this untreated. How you address someone in Japanese has very specific implications that you have to recognize in order to then use them accordingly, e.g. German to transfer. Where salutation with the family name in Japan can actually be used anywhere, from formal business relationships to long-term friendship, Mr / Ms + family name in German can only be used for strangers, older people with whom they are relatives (doctors, teachers, …) and the like. In these cases you have to praise the translator for his good work, because he relieves the viewer of the necessary analysis process that laypeople can't carry out at all and also do not understand otakus without / with little knowledge of Japanese (as can be seen from the regular questions about Japanese name suffixes and the wrong answers that follow). So this is again the wrong place to complain.


I probably expressed myself incorrectly because I didn't want to complain under any circumstances. It only bothered me when I hear the family name in Japanese but still read the first name.

With a German syncro I would have no problem with that, but with subtitles I would prefer to read the surname as is customary in Japan.


In most cases this is wrong, as explained above. Subtitles are not there to leave everything as in the original. It's the story in the language of the subtitle so that people who can read this can follow the story (also taking into account the culture of the audience).

If you want to know and understand what is really being said in the original, then you have to look in Japanese with or without Japanese subtitles (at best with exact transcriptions).
