Sawdust (wood)?


I'm 21 and male. I have noticed how our world is becoming stupid and poisoned by progress. I also used the Internet and everything else VERY intensively, but I realized that it is not life, but only a tool.

No longer have social media except Whatsapp and would like more life instead of "technical life".

When you deal with yourself, you notice that today you rarely have any real hobbies. Netflix or "friends" are not hobbies…

Anyway, I considered:

What did people do before? What could you have enjoyed?

Then I came up with (I call you that) "Ancient Skills".

Fishing, forging, hunting, wood processing, etc.

And the other day I went for a walk with a knife and grabbed a piece of wood and just carved something. I noticed that it is the first craft that I enjoy. To carve.

I'm already looking around for tools and reading everything about wood types etc.

But what can you do with the scouts? Use as fuel? Selling in bags? For which purpose?

Or just throw it away? It would be a shame, because I will probably live out this creative intensively in the future with this hobby.


If the wood is untreated, you can use it as litter for rabbits or to smoke fish, meat and sausages.


We always use it as a light fuel in the wood stove so that the thick wood crests burn well



Ground cover under garden plants.

Theoretically you can also clan with it.

Litter for animals (cage / barn), but only if you know that this is harmless wood.


How about if you use the term Google

sawdust recovery

enter and try the option that seems most practical to you?


For garden waste collection with it. It becomes compost.