What do you find better Amazon Prime, Netflix or Disney?


What do you find better Amazon Prime, Netflix or Disney?


I don't have Netflix, I always watch series on any stream site, but Netflix certainly has the best offer.


Free premium shipping, Amazon Video, Twitch Prime for 70 euro a year, while Netflix costs twice that and doesn't have as many good titles.


I only have Netflix, I don't know the others. But I find the quality and overview in Netflix well voted for. If there are anime on Netflix that I like, I would rather watch them on Netflix than as a stream. Better quality


I had almost everything like Amazon Prime, Netflix and a few other film providers (e.g. Maxdome).

And I stayed with Netflix, it is not without reason that Netflix is one of the most popular film providers. The quality is very good and so are the series / films. A lot of Netflix original series / films are very good and they are not available from other providers, so there's simply a lot to choose from.

It also has great value for money. And the app itself is also great with the different genres etc.

What I also find very great are the parental controls.


Amazon has the largest selection, but Netflix has the better quality films. In addition, you often have to pay Amazon a rental fee, which you don't have at Netflix. Whether you like Disney is relative. I was very disappointed. The selection was very small and new films are only available for DVD release. If you're a huge Disney fan now, it probably looks different.