Netflix & BurningSeries - Comparison?


I would like to know if Netflix has a comparable selection of series as it does BurningSeries.

Can I watch an age-old episode of Two and a half Men at Netflix like the latest episode The Walking Dead, and so on?


To compare a funny illegal side with a reputable streaming provider is of course already a big nonsense.
Netflix has a huge selection with many great shows, but they do not have everything.
Game of Thrones and Westworld have the e.g. Not.
By contrast, The Walking Dead.

What makes Netflix relatively good at present are the in-house productions.
The make some really very good series at the highest level.


I would recommend Netflix. Alone, because it is legal unlike BS 😉 In addition, you can share the premium subscription with family / friends / acquaintances. Since you have 4 profiles and each pays then monthly only 3.50 euro.


I'm a fan of Netflix's in-house productions, so I'd like that too, assuming I can watch old episodes of series like Two and a Half Men or Criminal Minds.


I have Netflix but I see some things on burning series. Because some series are much faster in burning series.

for example Night Shift the 4 season is already in German at burning series, the 4 season in German, there are currently no other providers.