How do you like the Netflix series Dead girls do not lie?


How do you like the Netflix series "Dead girls do not lie"?


Well. I started the series 2 times and fell asleep twice in the 2nd episode.


Find it a very interesting series. Have only seen the first season so far…


Never seen, but in the media is spoken of potential dangers for those affected or on the limb (trigger effect). That's why I'm against this series.


The first season I think is pretty good and I would watch it again.

I did not look at the second season and I will not. I did not want to mess up the show because I only heard bad things about it.


I saw a few episodes of season one and I have to say. What I've seen is then too blame for me too much.

Everyone, whether adolescent, child or adult, is daily in his bubble and is busy with his life, just like the dead girl.

Even the dead girl who wrote the letters tells everything from her point of view and overlooks the perspective from the perspective of the people to whom she wrote her letters.

I do not want to say that the dead girl in the series was herself to blame because she did what she did.

I'm just saying that she was doing the same, accusing others of her letters, and forcing others to make decisions with her alone.

I know it sounds nasty because the character in the series is dead, but in that case it's just a series and no one died there.

I'm only concerned with the occurrences in this series.


Jaja sleep on. From 10 it gets better but not good


Do you know who I'm most sorry for? The guy from episode 1 with the photo. From episode 6 he has such a black and it is shown what he has for n parents. He should be dead. Not so brat with pharmacist parents. Still not worth it.


So with me there triggerd nothing.