^ Question is above ^
Right now I'm the worst boredom you can imagine. Haha
Do you have any ideas what to do when you are bored?
(Don't have Netflix and Co.)
The best thing to do is to put the boredom in sacks and then take it out again in a controlled manner at some point. And just say it's not good advice:-))
Man, I don't have any bags here! : '
Well then you can ask another great question, for example…
Reading jokes helps against boredom:
What does a dragon eat for breakfast?
Canned food!
A knight in armor.
What is the name of the device with which one can see small large?
What is the name of the device with which one can see distant up close?
What is the name of that with which you can see through walls?
Think about!
Go for a walk / jog
to paint
Tinker Christmas decorations
bake cookies
Call / meet people
Wow. At least I'm grinning! 😂
Go your parents by the cookie
to clean up
Looking for gifts