Netflix worth 4k?


Is the 4k option worth it with Netflix? Find the quality at fhd rather moderate, is it worth going there to 4 k or is the bit rate currently still so low?

I don't need HDR because most of my devices don't support HDR


Actually not, because the end device has to support this format. Many cell phones and computers still have problems assuming that with TVs 4k is the problem to argue about the connection


I have a 100k line, that should be more than enough

My monitor has wqhd because you'd theoretically see that

But also mainly considered 4 k due to the hopefully higher bit rate


That's not enough, I mean 250k


But why should you need such a line?

A video does not need such large amounts of data


Yes, this 100K, but then other end devices are attached to it, such as the router itself, PC or your cell phone if you have connected it to WLAN, although the WLAN is a completely different story, since WLAN is somewhat more susceptible to interference. You have to consider 1080p video already needs 30 MB at 4k, it is already a good 15 gbit per second and if you have end devices that are particularly intensively involved in data traffic such as cell phones or computers, for example, others will suffer from end devices and another problem also when there are several people living in your household.


I think you also need a 4k device for this.


I'm the only one who uses the Internet, I get about 98 Mbit via Wi-Fi

4k60 runs fine on YouTube, so I think Netflix should run just as well

And 30mb per second will surely not need that at the bit rate that YouTube has, that's about 1mb / s at fhd


Yes I have a monitor with wqhd

But would like to use it primarily because of the higher bit rate


Then it may well be that it works, because I would have liked to know this key data. But usually you should run if it works at YT


I have no idea about it, made a guess and it just stopped at wqhd and bit rate 😂


No, if only because the least content on Netflix is in 4k. And depending on how good your internet connection is, you may not see the 4k content yourself or hardly at all in 4k.

The low bit rate has been around since mid-May.


Strange series still look rather moderate

Internet should be more than enough


Something doesn't seem to be working…


Colleague said the bit rate is still slightly lower, probably because of it


Quatsch 11mbit goes with it at 4K, there ne 16 line is completely sufficient.


Not worth it, I have everything from FHD to WWHD and 4K, the bit rate only goes up with the 4K device, with everything below it stays as it is.


Hm would be possible.


As usual, it depends on the household and end device

Netflix worth choosing? La LaceyShock