Can I fight with the sword too?


By fighting I mean playing or "waving around" if you understand what I mean. I would like to buy a sword that I can do something with and that is also made of metal. But I don't want to buy a real one either because that is too dangerous. And of course illegally. But I don't want to buy a wooden sword there either. I just like the sound of metal when it collides

And there are exhibition swords, but strangely enough, they cost way too much.

Here is the link to the sword:


You could even buy a real one as far as I know


You can also legally buy sharp swords. Well processed swords cost something.


I wouldn't necessarily do it with decorative swords. So seriously hit it somewhere. The likelihood that it will endure in the long term is rather low, I think.

Show combat shearers make more sense. Or weapons like those used for HEMA.

They are built to do just that.

Nevertheless, one must consider: Even battle swords are tools that wear out (just like real swords) fights will not go by without a trace. But they hold out a lot longer.

Which is just reflected in the costs.


A sword should be light, stable and balanced. That costs money.

Even if the blade is sharp, you can wave it around at home and cut off a toe.

There was a summer course for elementary school children in the adult education center, in which they made their own bronze swords. The course instructor did the actual casting, of course, because the liquid metal is too dangerous for 7 year olds. They weren't sharply sharpened either, but waving around is enough to smash the furniture, your own kneecap, the windows or even to destroy the parquet.


I would let that be. The sword is designed for decoration. Often the hinge on decorative swords is not completely forged. It is possible that the entire blade will slip away from you if you take a swing. Such blades also break quickly and are usually more prone to nicks…

Battle-ready swords cost what they cost, so that they survive if you strike with them.