Which televisions offer good privacy protection?


I want to buy a new television set that should also have internet access (Netflix and Co.).

Since I also pay close attention to data protection and privacy, it is important to me that I can set as precisely as possible whether and which data a TV sends to the manufacturer. The more transparently a manufacturer communicates here, the better.

Unfortunately, it is incredibly difficult to get information about how well or badly a device (or a manufacturer itself) performs on these points.

Does anyone have any information or can give me a website on which TVs can be compared with regard to their privacy and data protection settings? Perhaps someone also knows the corresponding tests or has had their own experience?


What data protection do you expect from a smart TV? To get Netflix or similar To be able to watch, you have to log in with your data, regardless of the make.


It's not about Netflix and Co., because I consciously register with them. However, the Smart TVs send various information to the manufacturers, especially viewing habits, etc. (unfortunately, it is difficult to find more detailed information about which data is involved).


As far as I know, a smart TV doesn't broadcast anything. With what? The annoying screen advertising on the new smart TVs e.g. Comes from the broadcasters, not the TV. It has nothing to do with it.
If you do not want or fear that the Smart TV will broadcast something somewhere, you must not connect it to the Internet. This applies to EVERY Smart TV


There are various studies that Smart TVs send data to third parties and manufacturers.





Oh god, you've been used to that from Windoof and Android for a long time - throw away your cell phone and move to the mountains…


If privacy is not your concern, maybe you shouldn't answer my question. In any case, I don't find it helpful.


I don't see an answer here. You can apparently google and if there was an answer to your question, you would probably have found it yourself and then not asked here.
Ask nickles, maybe someone has a clue
