Mysterious number is constantly calling?


I once played with someone until 2 a.m. First, the one I was playing with was called from a private number. Then I was given a Netflix verification code and the private number called me 3 times. Today the same game again. The one I played with was called by the private number and then I called again 5 times. This time without code. It kind of scares me because it always happens at 2 a.m. What can I do against it? Or who has the same experience?


Simply block the rudnumber. I might even take a quick look and see what the caller wants.

As I said, the number is blocked.


If you have a tight colleague give him the number


I don't quite understand 😅


But it's private…


Oki also

If you have a friend with a male masculine then you give him this number and he will call you there and ask what the problem is if you know what I mean😄


A little late but then all calls that are suppressed are blocked.