Should I watch Matrix Reloaded?

- in Movies

Hello yesterday saw Matrix for the first time on Netflix and I really liked it then I saw that there's a second part and have looked at the trailer but this I did not like it. Is the second part good in your opinion? The trailer seemed to me really weird, much more action-heavy than the first part, and I did not like it but for the story about the Matrix and the AI even more fascinated.

So: Do you think the second part is good? I'm afraid to watch the second part and it destroys me all that, I've already had in some movies.


You'll look at them sometime anyway, but I think Matrix is way better than the sequels and the sequels were unnecessary.


The 2nd and especially the 3rd part make up for the fantastic first part, so leave it.


Thank you! That's what I thought I had since I think I heard something from and for the first part has fallen much too much that it will destroy me then.


Hardly, I prefer to do without bad sequels destroy me the great first movie.


At the time of the first Matrix movies you could not ask such questions. I think you had more self-confidence during that time.


Then it is better if you do not look at them.