I really need some good movie tips (Netflix)?

- in Movies

I need some film tips… I need family films that are funny, exciting and of the type like House of Money, for example… And absolutely from FSK 12 … Also films that shackle you, but I still do it with my sister (13) , my parents and maybe my brothers too. (16 and 18, but are okay with a lot of films that I like… But there's the problem again that most of them are 16+ and that doesn't work with my family, of course) Do you have good films that are 12+ , exciting / captivating, funny and preferably without "nasty" scenes?


Well I watched naim pocket hero but it's more of a family film

A half-Turkish man from Bulgaria fights for his origins that in Bulgaria Turkish people are required to change their names and not speak their language…

In the end he lifts three times his weight + 10kg and gives a speech at the UN


Oh and Ps ~ true story ~