Kitschy Christmas movies?

- in Movies

I just want to watch an overly cheesy Christmas movie on Netflix. Do you have any ideas? Preferably with a couple in love. He can be sad too, but it's best not to be too old.


Well on Netflix there's enough… ^^

A Christmas Prince 1-3
The Christmas Chronicles 1 (Part 2 is out this year)
Princess Swap 1 (Part 2 is out this year)
The Knight before Christmas


We watched The Christmas Chronicles at school a year ago. Really cool movie


Loved it too, I'm looking forward to part 2.

By the way, I can recommend "Klaus" to you, it doesn't meet all of your criteria above, but in my opinion it's a fantastic film.


Ain't life beautiful

With James Stewart.


I think the exchange of princesses is quite good, although it is not a new film idea, but quite good