Best movies like Der Schacht or Der Kreis on Netflix

- in Movies

Do you know of films like Der Schacht or Der Kreis (also known as Circle) or Maze Runner on Netflix?


Hm, I know both films, but how exactly should the recommendations be like these two? - To be thought-provoking? - Made with as little backdrop and actors as possible? - Simple, simple history?

I have to confess, "Saw" comes to mind spontaneously. However, it is a somewhat bloodier and more brutal film than the two mentioned.
Or maybe "Killing Room" and "Das Examen", the old version of "Das Experiment" could go in the same direction.

Maybe you look at the trailers.


Oh, before I forget "Cube" part 1 probably fits into the scheme.


Sorry, I was too vague. I mean films that are similar to the above-mentioned films in terms of content and storyline, so in the direction of psycho or thriller, maybe also a little horror and also thought-provoking films.


Then all suggestions should fit roughly.


Cube 1, cube 2 (hypercube), cube zero

but do not know if it is on netflix