Vodafone warning because search history is sent to the police?

- in Movies

The question for which I thank you in advance for the answers is that I stay on a famous site called HDFilme where you get more films and series selection than Netflix, and it also happens to be redirected. One day after a redirection a warning from Vodafone GmBH appeared that the police received all information about the location of various redirects of the websites and since I'm actually a Vodafone user my question is whether what was there's fake or true, because it already saw pretty realistic?!


Probably fake, but streaming HD films is not legal.


Could be fake pretty well because the quality and appearance looked very realistic, thanks!


As long as you don't get a letter you should be Save. However, you shouldn't stay on these pages anyway, let alone talk about them publicly.


I have not entered any addresses of my homeland where you can reach me except in my email address, if it hopefully brings something, because now I have learned a lot from it even if it were fake!


In general, so that my provider or something can't track me, I use a VPN, but now it has nothing to do with streaming.


Was that the official Vodafone URL? No? Then it's fake one way or another


You can't go wrong with that. Anyone can see and copy the source code of a page.


A small box in which Vodafone GmbH was marked? Do not know the official identification or URL


The URL that is in the URL bar.

Vodafone is e.g. https://www.vodafone.de/...odafone.de or https://www.vodafone.com

If it said something like https://www.voddafone.club, that's a fake page


Well it just had a stinking normal black and white design, basically black and white and a brand of the company was also not shown


The website was not there, so I thought that it was recognized by the Wi-Fi that I use and the provider is actually Vodafone, but since they are large, it just happened to be so