How do you like the new movie Cuties on Netflix?

- in Movies

It is roughly about the fact that a girl from a very strict Islamic family experiences the total cultural contrast program. So her father wants to get a second wife and she gets to know new friends who dress and dance very provocatively, because that's how they "learn" it on the Internet.

The screenwriter himself says that he wants to portray these cultural extremes. So strict Islamic family and oversexualized western society.

The girls are all around 11 years old.

How do you like the new movie Cuties on Netflix

This is abhorrent and children shouldn't be shown in such a "camgirl" like picture.


Have you seen the film?


Of course, children emulate their role models on the Internet. There are children who are no longer virgins at 13 because they have imitated their role models. But what's the point of letting little girls in shorts twerk? Put your finger in your mouth and stick your but out and allow you to look as if you were about to orgasm? One can draw attention to it but not like that. My opinion!


Yes, you can argue about whether you should show it that way. But that is supposed to represent the "oversexualized western society" in a very provocative way, as a contrast to the strictly Islamic family, where the father wants to get a second wife. Which isn't that cool either.

Like it or not, the author addresses a real problem facing our western civilization.


Yes understand what you mean But I mean you could do it with a little older girls. But what can I tell you the problems are discussed in film but I don't think it's right. But understand what you mean


Especially the representation where politicians of a certain party are missing one is pretty blatant.

But it's just about the children and what it can do with them, what's going on here. So about the negative cultural extremes.


Understand what you mean, the topic of child sex, I don't want to answer that because it will spark a big discussion. In addition, there are certainly enough questions here on a good question. But I can agree with you on the subject of oversexualization.


Yes I understand. So you criticize the children's clothes. But sex with young children is ok because that's what the prophet of Islam did too?


I do not want to discuss this topic at all. Not every Muslim has the same interpretation and views.

But I have a long history behind me or my biography. I used to wear niqab and now I wear leggings and sometimes hot pants. However, it's about the children for me!

But as I said, I don't want a fight and I'm not looking for it.


I find it just as abhorrent and I agree with you


I see. You're a woman. I did not know that. Yeah well, what should I say to that? I could quote you hadiths and verses from the Koran that you would not like. No woman in the world who understood Islam would voluntarily be a Muslim.

But you don't want to argue and it's already very late, so I'll spare you and it wouldn't be of any use. Be glad that you live here with us in Germany and not in Pakistan or Saudi Arabia, where Islam is allowed to let off steam.

You could forget about leggings or hot pants in Islamic countries.


Never mind I'll leave the discussion. But I was happy


Yes, me too. You show an atypical behavior for a Muslim: critical ability. You are one of millions of Muslims.


I hate sexualized films


If an Erdogan film is banned because it is critical of Islam, it has to be interesting. If the German imperialists and the American evangelicals also howl then there must be something to it. But what is really good is that vulgar poems are also roused.

So all the people who condemn a film they haven't seen. ^^


Apart from the fact that the aim is to sexualize 11 year old children, it is terrifying how they portray Muslim families. I can already see from the trailer how they portray Islam here, according to the motto "look how dangerous and evil Islam is! 1! 1!"

Please dear fellow human beings, do NOT watch this film, they must not earn a cent with it


She wasn't 6. Everyone says something different, so you don't know how old she was.

In addition, the age was counted from menstruation


This is really not meant badly, but I can do without guidance from the heathen deity of the most obviously false prophet in human history.


The Koran does not allow sexual intercourse with people who have not yet reached puberty anywhere


Our Prophet sas was married to Aisha when she was 6 BUT he only had sexual intercourse with her when she was 9 because her menstruation started then

Marriage does not mean sexual intercourse