Netflix vs Amazon Prime?


Netflix vs Amazon Prime?


Netflix has the better film / series selection, but Amazon offers more for the price (shipping, music, films, …)


Prime is completely enough for me. But I also looked at the other providers, but I don't see any additional payments.


I prefer Plex.

So I have my own film collection under control… Which of course consists entirely of BluRays, which were written on hard disk.

If I had to use a streaming service, then there wouldn't be the best streaming service, at most the streaming service that just happens to show the right one at the right time.

For Marvel and Disney you now need Disney Plus. Absolutely nonsense in my eyes, but if you want to look something in the direction, you won't get very far with Netflix and Amazon Prime.

Then there are series that only run on Amazon and series that only run on Netflix.

However, I now choose Amazon Prime as a vote because I have this for my Amazon orders anyway. And thus can also use it.


I have Amazon and Netflix but still watch less Amazon than Netflix because Netflix gives you just about everything and everything is available for free to look at. Amazon unfortunately costs a lot but that's why the boss of Amazon is the richest person in the world.


Netflix because fixed price. Prime has some content, but you have to buy or rent something really interesting. It's frustrating.


Netflix may have a better series selection but the films are much better at amazon