Can I cancel my subscription during the first 30 days where you can try it for free?

- in Free

Can I cancel my subscription during the first 30 days where you can try it for free?


Yes, Netflix is fully flexible. No real ABOs. As soon as you do not pay, you can no longer register. Goes month after month without risk like at Telekom.


Yes you can


You can also start the test subscription and cancel it straight away, but you can still test the month.


Sure you can register πŸ˜‚ you just can't watch movies, if you click on a message comes up that there are problems with the subscription. For example, if you top up your account with Netflix cards every month, you would have to do this on your account, it would be a bit stupid if you then can't log in…


Ok, I improvised - I always pay my Netflix account on time.


Yes then πŸ˜‚ for me this will also be automatically deducted from the account A friend of mine does that with these cards, for whatever reason, so I know it.