Do you get free access to all streaming portals (such as Netflix, Amazon Video, etc.) with the Vodafone Video Pass?

- in Free

So I'm looking for a new flatrate and I've found this offer from Vodafone with the Video Pass: 12GB high speed per month and with the video pass you should have access to many streaming portals such. Netflix, Amazon Video, Sky Ticket, Dazn etc. Have for 19.99 euro / month.

Now my question is that all inclusive or do you have to pay extra? If so, I would immediately terminate my membership. I mean a subscription to Netflix and Dazn already costs 20 euro a month and then all the rest for nothing on top including the 12gb what I actually went so I can only very hard to believe.

Maybe someone knows about it.


The video pass only causes you while no data volume consumed. You still have to pay all the services yourself.