Why do you have to buy some series from Amazon prime?


It often happened that I watched a series and then suddenly it was no longer in prime or at some point later again. At Netflix, everything is normally available without buying anything again, because I have a subscription. I think it's just double moneymaking


No. With Netflix, the licenses sometimes expire. And that's exactly what happens on Amazon Prime


I always wonder why people get upset so often at Amazon? Now not addressed directly to you, but I often hear some people say "you have to buy something to go with it…"

There are services that only offer series / films for sale / rental and there are services that only offer series / films on subscription. Just because you are allowed to offer sales / rental for a film, you are not necessarily allowed to offer it in a subscription because you need a different license for that. Offering this license in a subscription sometimes expires, so that they disappear from Amazon and Netflix.

This is how it is now with Amazon. They offer both. If Amazon did not offer sales / rentals, the series / films would disappear completely (because the license has expired) like Netflix, which does not offer sales / rentals.
So if Amazon didn't have their second offer, it would be completely the same.
These films and series, which Amazon now only offers as sales / rental, would then not be fully subscribed. That wouldn't even exist.

Isn't it actually better, like Amazon does, that you can still buy the film instead of disappearing entirely like on Netflix?

This offer, which Amazon offers in addition to their subscription service, also has services such as Google Play, Youtube, Chili, Microsoft, Rakuten TV, iTunes, Videobuster, Maxdome and many more. Most of these services don't even have a subscription.


But it has also happened that a series was on prime then no longer and then again. What does this have to do with the license?


A license is expiring. You buy a series or a film for a certain period of time, I say for 2 years (but it varies), and then you have to put it down after the 2 years or renew the license. Renew means → pay again.

Amazon sees how many have viewed something on a subscription and if it is possible and have looked enough, then they will buy a license again. At Netflix, a movie or a series also comes back from time to time. That is normal.
Sometimes it can also happen that something briefly disappears. But what do I think is due to the fact that the negotiation took a little longer. Sometimes you negotiate even if you still have the license (which of course we don't notice). But if that takes longer than the license expires, then of course you have to put it down for a moment, because you didn't pay for the other days.


Oh okay that's that 😊